Phonics Pack
Looking for a new and exciting way to help your students learn Phonics?
Our phonics pack is a great way to get them started on their phonics journey or reinforce the letters and sounds they have already covered in class.
What you get in our phonics starter pack — £59.99*:
- 4 phonics projects — our starter pack contain the sounds |s|, |a|, |t| and |p| (for other sounds please contact us
- Demo video so you can see what the end result should look like
- Step by step video tutorial for each project to guide you through how to teach the lesson
- Written lesson plan for each project to use during the lesson
*Please note: prices are for individual schools. For use across multiple schools or in private clubs/settings please contact us.
How to purchase:
Please e‑mail hello@mama.codes with the subject Curriculum or Phonics Pack for more info, demo/sample projects and instructions on how to purchase.